Aural Sculptors - The Stranglers Live 1976 to the Present

Welcome to Aural Sculptors, a blog aimed at bringing the music of The Stranglers to as wide an audience as possible. Whilst all of the various members of the band that have passed through the ranks since 1974 are accomplished studio musicians, it is on stage where the band have for me had their biggest impact.

As a collector of their live recordings for many years I want to share some of the better quality material with other fans. By selecting the higher quality recordings I hope to present The Stranglers in the best possible light for the benefit of those less familiar with their material than the hardcore fan.

Needless to say, this site will steer well clear of any officially released material. As well as live gigs, I will post demos, radio interviews and anything else that I feel may be of interest.

In addition, occasionally I will post material by other bands, related or otherwise, that mean a lot to me.

Your comments and/or contributions are most welcome. Please email me at

Monday 24 June 2024

'No More Heroes' And 'Golden Brown' 'TopPop' Dutch TV

I cannot recall where I picked this up. It is a very short video compilation of six songs and one interview that appeared on 'TopPop', The Netherlands version of our own 'Top Of The Pops'.

No More Heroes - The Stranglers
Golden Brown - The Stranglers
Denis - Blondie
Heart of Glass - Blondie
Embarrassment - Madness
Lust For Life - Iggy Pop
Interview - Iggy Pop

I upload it here mainly for the 'Golden Brown' footage. The footage of 'Heroes' is also available elsewhere on this site.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Hugh Cornwell Colchester Arts Centre 4th November 2017


Here's one that passed me by. A local gig for Chatts and thanks to him for the file to share. I have posted it here in the original 24 bit format but if you are inclined to burn it to CD it can easily be converted to 16 bit. Thanks also to MeAnIe for the artwork!

Here we have Hugh performing acoustically at the intimate Colchester Arts Centre in the wilds of Essex. It's the usual mix of Stranglers and solo material, separated into two sets. 'Outside Tokyo' is an interesting inclusion.

On the night Hugh was suffering with his throat but he did well, and it's not obvious that he was struggling.



'Stranglers In USA' Article (Sounds 29th April 1978)



Sounds, April 29, 1978

A nice and sleazy, blow by blow, action in the USA special report by Tony Moon

„Dirty grey morning in 1978″… The Stranglers’ first North American tour starts in Philadelphia. Hugh is almost immediately stopped at the airport by the FBI, because he looks „suspicious“. Hugh tells them that he spotted them before they spotted him… they are not amused.

Unlike everyone else on the plane Jet has not wound back his watch to USA time, and it remains set to Greenwich Mean Time for the whole four weeks. He might be in America but he doesn’t have to keep their time.

The first thing that can be said before a guitar is strung is that The Stranglers arrive without the in-built need of so many British bands who have arrived in the colonies: to win/crack/woo the Americans or their market. In short…they are not house hunting. Prior to their departure they had been hard at work recording their new LP „Black and White“. The tapes were to be mixed in New York and LA following an initial week of gigs ending at the Rat Club in Boston. I joined the tour on the first gig after New York, which turned out to be at the Agora Club, Cleveland, Ohio.

Philadelphia, USA, 16th March 1978

I arrive at the club at around 8.30. The band is back at the hotel. I pick my bags up and within fifteen minutes I am downing my first screwdriver in the hotel bar.

Cleveland was described to me as being the Bradford of the States, run by the black Mafia. Very dull really when you’re used to Lewisham shopping centre. Jet and Dave are in the bar along with Martin „Namecheck“ Rushent, their producer. To their left are two would-be coke dealers and across the bar a bevy of hookers, waiting to be picked up. As I said, very dull.

Another screwdriver and I get filled in on the goings on. Jean is not feeling too well – a gig was knocked out due to it – and he has to part with several dollars before things get better. I meet Ed, the tour manager, who is apparently to talk anybody into doing anything as Hugh pointed out later on.

„Ed could fly to Mars and within a week he would have opened up a brothel“.

The band travel across the country in a converted Greyhound bus that acts as a bar/hotel room/dressing room. In command of this is Gus from New York. Complete with Zappa moustache and Fonda shades, he later gets to be called „Gus the Bus“. Waddya think of New York then Gus? „It’s a toilet, a fuckin’ toilet mate.“ He impersonates the English accent real good.

Down at the club is the other half of the band, the road crew: Sheds, Alan, Jeff, Graham, and the US truck driver, Shakey Jeff. The big problem for them on this tour is the fact that US electricity is different to UK and things can go wrong if there isn’t an electrician in the house.

The Cleveland gig sets a pattern for the rest of the tour: set gear up at around three, soundcheck at six, return to hotel for food etc, return to club at 10.30 for eleven o’clock and if there is no dressing room use the bus. Tonite we use the bus. The band play a set for the whole tour with numbers from their LP’s. Hugh usually tells the kids straight away to get off their arses and they launch straight into ‘Grip’. New numbers are ‘Threatened’ and ‘Tank’. During ‘ Down In The Sewer’ Hugh sings: „Picking up a lot of empty Coca Cola cans…cos this is where you make em.“ They encore with a couple of numbers, the last being the incredible new song ‘Toiler On The Sea’.

Philadelphia, USA, 16th March 1978

After Hugh finishes singing he leaves the stage; a few bars later Jean leaves, Dave sets his synthesizer to explode with electronic tidal noises and then departs with Jet still keeping the beat. Then Jet leaves, the noise is turned down and seconds later a tape of Hugh saying robotically „Thank you. Goodnight. Thank you. Goodnight. Thank you…“ is played over the P.A. to a stunned audience. Some had walked out early, others had just stared with their fingers in their ears, some had interpreted the pogo. American kids ARE different. They seem to be very aware of volume, more so than in the UK. The kids here want all the raunch and power without the volume, and that poses problems. If some walk out…what do you do? Besides, it leaves the kids right up front feeling more of an affinity with the band. Jean said to me that in the early days they used to get up on the stage and say: „We know that you hate us but you don’t hate us as much as we hate you.“ Well, I’m still with them and I guess you are too. The next day we leave early for the four hundred mile trip to the Manchester of the US, Chicago. („it’s so corrupt it’s thrilling“.)

On the way I am designated by Hugh as the tour cameraman, armed with Hugh’s 8mm sound home movie camera. „Great, a punk photographer,“ suggests JJ. I just shoot him. On the way sleep is caught up on, chilli beans and chocolate milk establishes itself as the number one food, even though as Hugh eats his chilli he muses that it is odd that the stuff you put in one end looks just the same as the stuff that comes out the other.

By the way you can now put your clocks forward an hour. This is Eastern Standard Time pal and we are in Chicago, OK?

JJ is still a bit under the weather the next day and Ed takes him to the hospital to spend some money on some pills and an injection. Hugh has seen the Untouchables on late nite TV and for the rest of the tour we are all talking in a croaky Godfather type accent. By the time we hit Canada this had developed into a slick sales talk patter that we imagined came from the mouths of faceless executives across America. Eg: Hugh: „Hi, TM, I’ve just spoken to BG in LA and he wants to know if you’ve spoken to DF in TO?“

Me: „Well to be frank HC I have and he says that it is your ball game…“ And so on.

Philadelphia, USA, 16th March 1978

The first gig in Chicago is way out of town in Schamberg at the Beginnings Club which is a dead ringer for one of those Midlands disco clubs that we have over here. The gig goes well and the next night promises to be a good one, which it is. This time it’s at the Phoenix Club in the centre of Chicago. JJ is feeling a bit better by now, Hugh is Al Capone, Jet and Dave are in the bar. A local club called The Mother Viper has been playing The Stranglers’ music since they first heard it so The Stranglers are known by the kids and it turns out to be more like a great UK gig. Kids on the stage but no hassles from rented thugs. After the gig we go down to the club until it closes. We set off in the morning for that night’s gig in Milwaukee, famous for Schlitz beer, and that’s about it. We check in at the hotel which looks exactly the same as the previous two. Soon it is time to go to the gig, which is a large hall like Woolwich Poly which is OK but still manages to look empty even with three hundred punters in it. Plus the fact that Sheds and co are having some problems with the electricity and if things blow up that’s the end of the tour. It goes ahead OK, the kids enjoy the music, standing pretty still. It is the size of the hall that kills it. A few familiar faces are beginning to crop up on the way now: the kids all seem to have cars and they get around. American kids are different. Straight after the gig we head out for Minneapolis, a very open, flat town with really weird classical music being piped through into the bus shelters like a scene from 1984. Dave points out keenly that it is the farthest west that we go. Tomorrow we swing in a homeward direction. Again there are power problems before and during the gig: at one stage they leave the stage for it to be sorted out. A guy right at the front is screaming at the top of his voice: ‘White riot, come on maaaan, we want a riot.“ The atmosphere is so electric though that the kids bear with it, the band returns to the stage with people crushed to the front and standing on chairs at the back. During the set a guy continually annoys Jean who eventually leaps off the stage and deals with him. The matter ends.

I have never seen a club with so many kids so completely drunk as this place: even before the gig kids had been staggering around and after there were even more hanging around on the pavement outside. Again it is an overnight drive to Madison. More chilli, lots of drink and sleep. This was the typical on-tour view of the States really. None at all. Any impressions could only really be gained by speaking to Gus and Ed, or by watching the TV on the road. Otherwise it’s one hotel with bad service after another. More impressions later. The Madison gig was the most anonymous gig on the tour, the band didn’t even do an encore the reaction was so flat. Once again it is straight into the bus for an overnight drive to East Lancing in Michigan. We check in at the hotel at six in the morning: a shit, shower and shave. When we go to the gig later on we are greeted outside by the local women’s lib housewife movement all with placards and giving out anti Strangler duplicated sheets. On the way out Jean and Hugh flash their Anglo French tools. A newspaper report the next day informed a startled mid America that it was not sure whether bassist JJ Burnel was in fact wearing any underpants.

It was not to stop there. Once on the bus a snap decision is made to kidnap one of these women. Gus the Bus swings the coach outside the club. Jean, Hugh and Jet leap out on an unsuspecting protester. She goes into hysterics. Dave and Ed are acting like well seasoned press photographers. Jean is hit over the head. Jet just escapes from a full bust-up. Hugh jumps aboard. Gus swings the door shut and we escape. When we return later the police have broken up the demonstration. At the start of the set Hugh reads out a carefully worded statement which ends: „The Stranglers have always loved women and will continue to do so…“ The gig goes ahead.

At this point in the tour everything is running well. The band are unimpressed with the States and are planning what they are going to do first when they reach England. Jet fancies some roast beef, Yorkshire pud and spuds along with some drink that has no ice whatsoever. Dave has worked out the time to take off in seconds. But we are having fun. The on-tour private jokes are flying around. Ed is told to „shutup“ every time he opens his mouth, followed by a smart ass „come on Ed, get your shit together!“

And so it goes. We all get our shit together for a short drive to the last US gig in An Arbor, just outside Detroit. We have a day in hand to look around. Hugh buys himself eight million dollars in toy money and goes into bars with piles of it, slaps a bundle on the bar and says in a loud voice: „OK, drinks for everybody!“ The Ann Arbor gig comes and goes.

The next day we drive through a short tunnel and pop up in Canada. Will it be different? At the hotel we meet up with Martin Rushent who has just returned from LA with the final LP mix. He says that quite a lot of people are talking along the West Coast about the band. No one seems to be impressed. Europe is their patch. And Europe means – Britain. JJ likes Canada, though: He can speak and sing in French. The Toronto gig goes well, a lot is promised for the last two at Ottawa and then Montreal. Ottawa turns out to be very good, it is at a high school and the only seated gig on the tour.

Montreal was to be the best…but a lot of equipment hassles creates a bit of tension, the band play to a predominantly English audience (rather than French as had been expected) and after the main set Jet collapses with a temperature in the dressing room. No encore is possible and the applause turns into aggression as the stage is pelted for about five minutes with bottles. On stage Alan and Graham can only crouch behind the cabs. After a while Shed asks me to say something over the PA: „Jet’s got a temperature of 103 degrees…“ They don’t believe it, but quit throwing glass. The tour is over all of a sudden.

The Stranglers are to return to America later on in the year. The main thing that came across on this tour was that American kids can’t react in the same way to the sentiments expressed under the banner of British New Wave. In fact the sentiments probably mean nothing to them and never will. British and European kids demand different things from a band like The Stranglers. American New Wave or whatever has a great deal of energy but it lacks the sentiments and this is the main difference. American kids seem to be into getting their money’s worth time wise and visually. They don’t all go over the top, pogoing till they drop. They are not used to being told to get up and to stop gawping. So what do you do?

For a great industrial country the USA seems to be on a very short fuse: you can see it around you. A top speed limit of fifty-five miles an hour, propaganda on the TV telling you to save this and that, yet on the other hand the great big cars and adverts telling you to buy products that you can’t figure out what they are for, let alone need. This was the backdrop that we drove across. Carter toyed around with the neutron bomb, Betty Ford admitted that she had „overmedicated herself“. We checked in at another Holiday Inn. That was our background. It is the everyday background of the kids that The Stranglers played to, probably the same kids who put Aerosmith, Frampton and Fleetwood Mac up where we put The Stones and Rod Stewart…what are they going to do about it?


New York (Venue Unknown) 7th March 1978


I had not previously paid this recording much attention. Maybe this was because as the venue was unknown I hadn't done any artwork and the disc languished unloved in the pile of to be dealt with later. However, on stumbling across another folder of MeAnIe's artwork and seeing a sleeve for this New York gig, I was prompted to dig it out again and pay some attention too it. 

It is a great gig, pretty good soundwise too for its age. During this period, The Stranglers were perhaps at their most belligerent, especially towards American audiences and in the press few opportunities to rile the American public were passed up.... 'Americans have smaller brains' etc. etc. In New York, interaction with the audience was limited to Hugh telling the audience to 'Shurrup!!' or berating a section of them for remaining seated...'It's good to see that some of you haven't got stickies stuck to your fuckin' arses. What you do, sit there all night, there's no television set up here, Johnny Carson's just killed himself.' 

The only other set interruptions come from the frequent tuning of bass and keyboard, necessitated I guess by the heat levels in the club.

So here we have a blistering set, weeks away from the release of 'Black & White'.



Ian Dury And The Blockheads Paradiso Amsterdam 3rd March 1978 (TFTLTYTD #9)


This TFFTLTYTD thread post remembers two musicians from one of Britain's quirkiest bands, Ian Dury & The Blockheads. Both Ian and the Blockheads' drummer, Charlie Charles succumbed to cancer before their time. I did get to see Ian with the band a few times, at the Clapham Grand, then supporting Madness and finally at the Junction in Cambridge at what must have been one of his last live performances. 

It's out there that Ian Dury wasn't an easy man, perhaps his circumstances shaped him that way. I remember having a conversation with Keith Lucas (a.k.a. Nick Cash of 999) about Ian's behaviour at the time of the demise of Kilburn & The Highroads. That not withstanding, what a poet and performer the man was. The fact too that he was surrounded from the mid-70's by some of the counties best musicians made the Blockheads a tour de force on the live circuit... as this professional recording from Amsterdam's Paradiso Club proves.

Thanks to the original Dime uploader.

This recording contains the track 'England's Glory' that also became one of the bizarrest releases on Stiff Records, a cover by comedian Max Wall.

(spoken intro.)
This one's for Julie, who we love
I love her almost as I do Alma
But we don't do Alma no more
It's called 'England's Glory'. if you wanna sing
Please sing

There are jewels in the crown of England's glory
And every jewel shines a thousand ways

Frankie Howerd, No'l Coward and garden gnomes
Frankie Vaughan, Kenneth Horne, Sherlock Holmes
Monty, Biggles and Old King Cole
In the pink or on the dole
Oliver Twist and Long John Silver
Captain Cook and Nelly Dean
Enid Blyton, Gilbert Harding
Malcolm Sargeant, Graham Greene (Graham Greene)

All the jewels in the crown of England's glory
Too numerous to mention, but a few
And every one could tell a different story
And show old England's glory something new

Nice bit of kipper and Jack the Ripper and Upton Park
Gracie, Cilla, Maxy Miller, Petula Clark
Winkles, Woodbines, Walnut Whips
Vera Lynn and Stafford Cripps
Lady Chatterley, Muffin the Mule
Winston Churchill, Robin Hood
Beatrix Potter, Baden-Powell
Beecham's powders, Yorkshire pud (Yorkshire pud)

Saturday 22 June 2024

The Picturedrome Holmfirth 15th July 2025


Trying to free up some disc today I stumbled across some of MeAnIe's artwork that I hadn't posted before. Here's a recording of the band in Holmfirth back in the Summer of 2015. I suspect that this had been overlooked as this was one of a handful of July gigs rather than the usual March dates. Many thanks as always for the great artwork.



Doctor And The Medics Crystal Palace Concert Bowl 24th August 1985


Across their new 50 year career The Damned have been associated with some acts more closely than others, especially so when it comes to playing live. Seemingly something clicked every couple of years  that drew such a clutch of outsiders to other like minded bands. First there was the Adverts in 1977, then came The Ruts in '79. A couple of years later and the Anti-Nowhere League entered the scene with a flurry of expletives and biker gang attitude. The mid-80's saw an unexpected flush of success for The Damned as the band raided Beau Brummel's wardrobe and delivered some big chart friendly ballads (brilliant they are too!). With this new direction came another kind of support in the form of Dr & The Medics. They were a perfect fit, an outlandish six piece pulled from the imagination of Lewis Carroll. 

I first became aware of them through a mate who started seeing their gigs in Brighton and London. They then appeared on the telly, playing live on the Whistle Test in late 1985 playing 'The Miracle Of The Age' and 'No One Love's You When You've Got No Shoes'.

'The Miracle Of The Age'/'No One Love's You When You've Got No Shoes'
Dr & The Medics
Whistle Test 1985

Sadly, I only got to see them once in the '80's when they played with The Damned at their 10th Anniversary Tea Party in Finsbury.

This year, The Damned are renewing this partnership with the Medics (not to forget The Fuzztones too) on their December tour.

So, here from 1985, here is a set from the Doctor and Co. from when they played an anti-heroin benefit at the Crystal Palace Bowl.



Tuesday 18 June 2024

Ruts DC Release Electracoustic 3 on 5th July 2024


The most prolific three piece in London are set to release the third instalment of their series of Electracoustic albums on Friday 5th July. 

Various album associated bundles can be purchased here.

Once again the album represents a career spanning set of both Ruts DC material, and of course The Ruts.


1.   Vox Teardrop
2.   Dope For Guns
3.   Formula Eyes
4.   Too Much
5.   Secret Soldiers
6.   Pretty Lunatics
7.   Jah War
8.   Tears On Fire
9.   Bound in Blood
10. Human Punk
11. Whatever We Do
12. Criminal Minds
13. Society


1.   Vox Teardrop
2.   Dope For Guns
3.   Formula Eyes
4.   Too Much
5.   Secret Soldiers
6.   Pretty Lunatics
7.   Jah War
8.   Tears On Fire
9.   Bound in Blood
10. Human Punk

The band are playing UK dates in some great intimate venues on the back of this release. Get to see them if you can!

Ruts DC The Georgian Theatre Stockton-On -Tees16th March 2013


I got myself a ticket today to see Ruts DC next month at the Trades Hall in Walthamstow as they launch their Electracoustic3 album. Should be a great gig in a small capacity venue at the end of the Victoria line... even better, an easy trip home!

Some of the venues on the tour are fabulously low key and intimate which is a brilliant way in which to witness Ruts DC doing their acoustic thing.

They are playing The Georgian Theatre again on the tour so I thought that it would be a good opportunity to post an audio version of the set that they played back in 2023. If memory serves Seamus had gone at that point so the band consisted of Segs, Ruffy, Leigh and Molara.



Sunday 16 June 2024

Ramones Melkweg Amsterdam 5th August 1986 (TFTLTYTD #8)


Well in this particular thread, Ramones really did go for broke, with all four of the band's founding members now departed, all before their time:

Joey (lymphoma in 2001)
Dee Dee (heroin overdose 2002)
Johnny (prostate cancer 2004)
Tommy (bile duct cancer 2014).

The recording that I have selected though includes Richie Ramone incumbent upon the drum stool and he is still alive and gigging. By the mid-80's the music press had written the Ramones off as a spent force, but as a 17 year old in 1986 I loved 'Animal Now' and 'Halfway To Sanity' which followed in 1987. I do however think that in their middle years there was an element of 'innovators as imitators' as they were forced to follow band's who enjoyed considerably more success with material that was clearly highly influenced by the early Ramones albums. I have never really fathomed why it was that American record buyers never really took the ultimate 'All American' punk band to heart, success in the homeland eluded the band whilst they enjoyed great success in Europe and massive support in South America. In the latter years, Ramones seemingly felt compelled to play faster and faster, sometimes to the detriment of the live show. 

The band played on this tour in Brighton on 7th May 1986, but I did not have the money to go at the time as I has a ticket to see PiL in London a couple of weeks later and my teenage funds didn't stretch so far! I didn't get to see the band until 1988 in Dusseldorf with The Stranglers... but at least Dee Dee was still in the fold at that time.

Saturday 15 June 2024

De Montfort Hall Leicester 25th February 2022


And another from the 2022 UK tour. A huge set. Many thanks to the original uploader (name not included in the info file).



01. Intro
02. Toiler On The Sea
03. Something Better Change
04. Sometimes
05. Water
06. Skin Deep
07. This Song
08. Nice 'N' Sleazy
09. Don't Bring Harry
10. Strange Little Girl
11. Always The Sun
12. Peaches
13. Golden Brown
14. The Last Men On The Moon

01. (Get A) Grip (On Yourself)
02. Curfew
03. White Stallion
04. Nuclear Device (The Wizard Of Aus)
05. Relentless
06. Walk On By
07. Straighten Out
08. Duchess
09. Hanging Around
10. Encore Break
11. The Lines
12. And If You Should See Dave…
13. Encore Break
14. Go Buddy Go
15. No More Heroes

Het Depot Leuven 28th September 2022


Here's a recent-ish European gig from Chatts, excellent as ever and from a great tour (I did Hamburg and Copenhagen).



Friday 14 June 2024

The Damned No values Pomona Fairplex CA 8th June 2024


I think that this is the first upload that I have done of the 'new' Damned line up i.e. with Rat back on the drum stool. Thanks to the original Dime uploader, Fried morals, for the upload. So, The Damned have spent some time in the US, playing both festivals and their own headline shows. There seem to be a rash of punk/new wave festivals happening these days in the US.... 'Punk Rock Bowling', 'Punk In The Park', 'Cruel World' and 'No Values'. This is a festival set but there will be full show sets posted in the coming days.

'Ladies & Gentlemen... how do?'



Tuesday 11 June 2024

The Selecter The Wharf Tavistock 19th October 2012


For Gaps, here's a recording of the band down in the West Country, shortly after the release of their 'Made In Britain' album.



The Selecter's Arthur 'Gaps' Hendrickson RIP

I was shocked and dismayed this evening to see a post from Pauline Black to inform people that another member of the 2 Tone family has passed away... Arthur 'Gaps' Hendrickson, the perfect compliment to Pauline at the front of a Selecter gig died after a short illness on 11th June 2024.

Whilst I did not see The Selecter in the first adrenaline rush of 2 Tone, I saw a couple of versions of the band in the early to mid '90's, which was fine, but it is undoubtable that Gaps coming back into the fold gave the band a real boost and enabled the band to reach new creative heights with a series of critically acclaimed albums of new material. A second singer also redressed the original balance that seemed to be at the heart of the 2 Tone sound. I saw another post on Facebook tonight that pointed out that The Specials had Terry and Nev, The Beat had Dave and Roger, Madness had Suggs and Chas and The Selecter had Pauline and Gaps. Makes sense and think about how important that vocal balance was in the 2 Tone canon.

I only met Gaps once at the Godiva Festival when he and Pauline met our son, Rudi.

RIP Gaps, you along with your fellow 2 Tone musicians changed the narrative at a critical and unsavory time in British politics... sadly we need your successors now as the message seems to have been forgotten.


Saturday 8 June 2024

The Stranglers Create A Fuss In The Pages of Record Mirror (October 1977) Part 2

The reaction to the article in the RM issue of 8th October came in the issue of 22nd October. The editorial team had a field day with the reaction, which further supports my suspicions that there was some stagecraft afoot here (I may ask Barry Cain!). 

Followed by letter after letter...

Well, what do you think, wind up or genuine debate?

The Stranglers Create A Fuss In The Pages of Record Mirror (October 1977) Part 1


On 8th October 1977 the above pictured issue of Record Mirror hit the news stands. Aside from the fact that the cover is one of my favourite front pages in the band's long career (almost an alternative take of the reverse image of the then current 'No More Heroes' album), it was the small print in the title that was responsible for the rumpus (love that word) that followed in the letters pages a couple of weeks later. 'Punks In The Money' it read... surely an idea that flew directly in the face of the whole punk, DIY, 'we're no different from our audience' mantra adopted by the first wave of British punk bands.

A front cover certainly promised more on the inside than the reader in anticipation got. 

It's just a few short paragraphs of argument for and against a hypothesis that by the Autumn of 1977' with a second successful album under their four belts' The Stranglers were on the verge of being the wealthiest musicians to sport leather jackets and ripped T shirts in the whole green and slimy land. What's more, and perhaps more damaging to their hard men of punk rock image, the article attempts to spread the notion that the band (with JJ singled out in particular) had minders with them at this stage (the Finchleys maybe, but I was never aware of anything more formal than that early doors... wasn't that enough!). 

It seems to me that this short piece was probably a deliberate wind up piece, intended to swell the volume of mail received by the paper's readership (already split on the virtues of punk) whilst further bolstering the band's already well established penchant for controversy, real or concocted.

Anyway, please see the mailbox sparing in the next post.

In the end, whilst I am not privy to the band's financial well being then or now, it is clear that the Piggybankinblack was not always fattened and certainly as of October 1977, some awful financial situations were ahead of them.