Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Saturday, 1 March 2025

The Stranglers '51' Tour


Here we go again then with something of a break in a now established tradition. An Autumn rather than a Spring tour. Some obvious gaps in the dates, most notably Glasgow and the middle of England, as a result of contractual restrictions arising from the Castle and Pistols gigs.

What would I like to see? Obviously the big anniversary was marked last year with suits and chandeliers, so I am not looking for that. It could be an opportunity to do something different. Sadly, the band have been rather reluctant to follow the example of some of their comtemporaries of comparable long standing in touring albums or notable sets. To date, The Stranglers have done this only twice, with the Roundhouse residency '77 ('Rattus Revisited') set in 2007 and the 'Black and White' tour of 2016. All other opportunities to mark a significant anniversary have gone well, unmarked.

Rather than being money for old rope affairs, these 'themed' shows can be an opportunity for a bit of creativity and fun. Look at the Damned's 'Night of a Thousand Vampires', now there was an event! And with such events comes different merchandising opportunities. Gary Numan has been a master of this since 2006. He has toured his three big albums from the '79 to '80 period on two separate occasions and far from being a case of relying on past glories, with the care and attention that he, his band and the entourage needed to take a show on the road inputed, the gigs were stunnning.

What about recreating the set of the 'Who Wants The World?' tour - the October dates would coincide with the 45th anniversary of American leg of that tour. The sets were pretty short back then, just 15 or 16 songs which would allow the other half of the set to include the 'Peaches' and 'Golden Brown' and other crowd pleasers beloved of the casual gig-goer. Just imagine the stark lighting of the MIB era. The band could add in another element of authenticity by using hastily hired equipment and Toby could battle with keyboards that are prone to make unexpected and random noises!

A pipedream I am sure, but I can at least imagine these things.

I do hope though that 'White Stallion' is dropped from the set as the tangerine fucker is now firmly back in the saddle and riding out as one of two horsemen of the apocalyse. I appreciate it that it is their big current anthem, but the lyrics have rather a hollow ring to them now...

'The white stallion's rule is over
The pain is all in the past'

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