Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Monday, 30 December 2024

The Jam Dad's Dancehall Malmo Sweden 23rd September 1977


Here's a great sounding gig from The Jam's troubled dates in Sweden. At the gig Paul Weller repeatedly exhorts the audience to move more and there may be a hint of trouble at the end of 'Carnaby Street'. A gruff voice barks at the crowd for a minute or so, but I have no Swedish so cannot discern what is being said.

The Jam ran into trouble at a gig in Ronneby when the raggare once again turned up to express their distaste for punk and managed to stop the gig. This was just a week after The Stranglers ran across them.

Thanks to the original Dime uploader.

New Musical Express 1st October 1977

Record Mirror 1st October 1977

Please note that FLAC link has been updated with a speed correted version. Many thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Malmo (speed-corrected @+5.82%)
