Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Monday, 19 November 2012

Christian Fishes

On the road, some people like to spot Eddie Stobart lorries, others see who can spot the most cars of a particular colour. I spend my time looking out for Christian Fishes.

The origin of the Christian fish goes back to the birth of the faith, when in the face of persecution from their polytheistic Roman overlords, Chritian groups identified themselves and their subterranian places of worship with the simple mark of the fish.

I am not anti-Christian, but I am an atheist. I do however have some problems with the idea of creationist theory, when even many prominent scientists can accommodate the principles of evolution within their own Christian beliefs.

Some years ago, my attention was drawn to the existance of the Darwin Fish. I though that this was brilliant and subtle with it.

This version decorates our fridge at home.

Yesterday, I saw another variant on this theme on a car outside Epping tube station.... I had to take a picture.

1 comment:

  1. We had Mental Health First Aid training earlier this year and the trainer had a fish symbol on his car with the word 'Heathen' inside the fish, always amused at any slight on the god botherers.
