Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Saturday 21 July 2012

The Newtown Neurotics Brixton 7th April 1983

The Newtown Neurotics

Here's something non-Stranglers related. This band were hugely influential for me. This recording from an unknown Brixton venue (but in all likelihood the Fridge) is from mid '83, approximately 12 months before the band came to my attention. In 1984 the Miner's Strike was the top story on the evening news 9 nights out of 10. Coverage became even heavier as the strike progressed and the strike became much more than an industrial dispute as it entered the grounds of a battle of political ideologies.

And so it was that the likes of The Newtown Neurotics made me start thinking about politics and my own principles and convictions (these political awakenings were helped along by a weekly dose of latex political satire that went under the name of 'Spitting Image'. Such was the power of that show that for the only time before and after were the names of not only The Cabinet, but also the Shadow Cabinet, fully familiar to nearly every teenager in the land!).

'Kick Our The Tories'
Newtown Neurotics

So here it is, a short good quality set of intellegent political punk from Harlow, Essex,


1. Wake Up
2. Hypocrite
3. Fools
4. Agony
5. Mindless Violence
6. Newtown People
7. Does Anyone Know Where The March Is?
8. My Death
9. The Mess
10. Kick Out The Tories
11. Living With Unemployment


  1. As promised, some more music from the Harlow-Stortford area of Herts&Essex - check the comments to each post as well, as there are more links there. Cheers, Dave Sez.

    PS: Oh bugger, in checking (which I should have done before opening my big mouth), I've just found that Jeffen's 2-CD Stortbeat compilation is down, as is ratb0y69's Gangsters first LP. Killyourpetpuppy is still up though, so at least you got something ... and you can always ask for a re-up in these comments.

    Cheers and apologies, Dave Sez.

  2. Hi, I have the Stortbeat collection, a real labour of love that one. I live in Stortford and have just had an email from Steve Drewitt to say that he is playing The Half Moon in town (my old local) for his birthday next month. I love a gig I can walk to!
