Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Saturday 19 February 2022

Aural Sculptors Reboot

It's a far cop! The posts on this site have not come as thick and fast over the last six months as in previous years. The reasons are many-fold, a disastrous and costly house renovation, the sale of my Mother-in-Law's flat (now in progress for no less than 5 months!) and not forgetting the fact that COVID-19 finally caught up with me and Gunta after dodging it for two full years!

As the tour approaches the end, I can say that in the coming weeks a handful of recordings from the tour will be appearing thanks to the generosity and ongoing support of some long standing supporters and contributors to the Aural Sculptors site. Thanks all!

It is also my intention to put more DVD material on the site to supplement the audio posts as I have sufficient capacity across the two WeTransfer accounts that support the site. I am also keen to increase the content gleaned from various music press weeklies from back in the day. I love to read old interviews that contextualise the band at a given point in time. The belligerent interviews make for the best reading (of course) and from a vantage point of 40 years on it is easy to understand just why it was that the press vilified them! The Meninblackin print FaceBook page does a great job in making much of the press material available and I hope to add to that on these pages. This would be the case for The Stranglers and the other usual cross-over bands that we all hold dear.

Stick with me and the site and feel free to get involved and contribute. It has always been the case that the collection has been light on Mark II/III material and as such such when I update my own list on here I would welcome any efforts to fill in some of the gaps (preferably in lossless format but in MP3 otherwise).

All the best.



  1. Good to have you back, Ade...!

  2. Welcome back!! This year's prospect suddenly looks better musicwise ;--))))
