Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Saturday 25 July 2020

Absolut Live TV Performance DVD Bremen 18th February 1997

Ok, some time ago I posted the audio rip of this Mk II German TV performance (here). As I recall, I was not very complimentary  about this performance then. Love the fact that some people really got and appreciated the Paul Roberts/John Ellis incarnation of the band. It just wasn't for me. 

The only additional comment that I will make on this recording relates to 'Summer In The City'...... a great Summer of Love track by The Loving Spoonful without a doubt, but how distracted were The Stranglers they when this was proposed in a band meeting!

Of the covers that have been done.

'Mony Mony' - a good cover, sultry vocals from Celia, hooligan backing vocals from the bass player..... happy days, different and refreshing (oh and by the way, miles better than Billy Idols effort!)

'Walk on By' - whilst I am sorry to say that these days a rendition of WOB at a gig turns me off, there is no mistaking that this is a masterpiece. In making it there own, The Stranglers produced a version that is as vital and as valid as the original. Not many covers can do that.

'All Day and All of the Night' - once again, a brilliant song by a brilliant band. The sound suited The Stranglers completely. The only problem was that it was so faithful to the Kinks' original that it offered nothing and for that reason was a rather pointless exercise.

'Summer in the City' - completely unsuited to The Stranglers. A toe curling mistake.

Here endeth Adrian's opinions on cover versions.

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