Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Misty In Roots Manager Clarence Baker Appears in Court (September 1979)

Here's a couple of news items that appeared in the 8th September 1979 issue of Sounds (a now defunct UK weekly music paper) that may be of interest to some visitors to this site.

In that week, Clarence Baker appeared in court (or at least his co-defendants did, depending upon which of the two articles you read) charged with assault of a police officer and possession of an offensive weapon. In the police action against the Southall Musician's Cooperative, based in the People Unite offices, Clarence Baker suffered a fractured skull. Teacher Blair Peach was killed on that day.

The violence of that day is the subject of The Ruts classic 'Jah War'.

'Jah War' by The Ruts
Paris 1980

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