Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Sunday 1 February 2015

Anarchy In Denmark - The Pistols In Print From Copenhagen

The Pistols were struggling. Banned nearly everywhere and unable to play in the UK the band had to look further afield for opportunities to play live. Scandinavia offered that opportunity and the Sex Pistols finally managed to play after months of frustration!

Here's another cutting from the 30th July 1977 issue of Melody Maker that reviewed the gig and in doing so gave an insiders view from within the eye of the storm as MM's Chris Brazier was able to get Paul Cook's and Steve Jones's view of the situation.

By this account the band's dates at Daddy's Dancehall in Copenhagen on 13th and 14th July 1977 were not the greatest shows that they performed but even so they were still incendiary events in the history of punk.

Sex Pistols
Daddy's Dancehall, Copenhagen
13th July 1977

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