Live Recordings 1976 to Date

Thursday 24 July 2014

Destination Borneo

Rudi Andrews
24th July 2014

It seems like an age in the planning, but finally the day arrived when our intrepid 'little' explorer headed off to Borneo for a month. His mum almost made it back to the car before losing it!

Just to say once more a very big thank you to all those people who generously contributed to his cause!


  1. wishing the best experience to Rudi. My son had gone to help in Gahna last year, this year, he chose argentina to support young delinquents, and he plans to go on on doing it. Ok that may not reassure Rudi's mum, especially knowing i find him a little more a man every time he comes back. :-)
    Again best to Rudi, I hope he knows how lucky he is to have parents who actually helped him live that experience.

  2. We have briefly heard from the boy twice (I don't think that communication with the family back home is encouraged, as for some away from home for the first time for a long period, such communication can fuel homesickness). He is working hard and is enjoying the experience... and he survived his nights in the jungle!
